Monday, August 6, 2018

Facts about Big Oil Discovery News in Pakistan

Recently a local newspaper, Dawn, quoted one of the Caretaker Federal Ministers about an imminent elephant find along Iran-Pakistan border.

Possibly a result of confusion in reading technical details, the claim is misplaced at best, warranting a corrigendum form the relevant people.

In short, the news is incorrect:

Fact: currently, there is no drilling activity underway around the mentioned region. However, chances of a find in the future cannot be ruled out.

ExxonMobil, which is named in the news item as explorer:

Fact: the Oil Major did enter into Pakistan's Oil & Gas Exploration landscape very recently as a 25% partner for an upcoming offshore endeavor.

However, the Company and its partners are yet to dig the designated hole. PPL, OGDC, and ENI are the other 3 partners who will try their luck with Exploration Well Kekra-1 to test the high potential Indus G Block, latest by January 2019. The well was planned in the past also but got delayed.

When the Exploratory Well is drilled, only then experts will be in a position to comment on various possibilities and future course of action with some certainty.

In the meantime, we can keep our fingers crossed!

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